Delivery in the Republic of Croatia is free. We deliver parcels by GLS delivery service, except for smaller towns and islands to which we send by Hrvatska pošta.
International delivery is always charged, regardless of the amount of the order. Delivery cost is calculated based on the country to which the package is being sent. We deliver internationally by GLS, except for non-EU countries to which we send parcels by Hrvatska pošta.
Delivery is estimated to 5-7 working days if we send by GLS, or up to 20 days if we send by Hrvatska pošta.
You can find a complete list of postal codes of smaller towns and certain islands to which we ship by Croatian Post at the bottom of the page.
gls general terms of delivery
hrvatska pošta general terms of delivery
Be careful that the shipping address is entered in correct and complete format during the ordering process and that you do not refuse the shipment upon arrival. In the event of an incorrect address or a refused delivery, the cost of postage and return postage will be deducted from any refund we owe you.
Packages are sent to the following postal codes using Hrvatska pošta:
0225 Sobra
23287 Soline
20226 Soline
21430 Srednje Selo
21432 Stomorska
20223 Suđurađ
51561 Susak
20290 Sušac
20223 Šipanjska Luka
20226 Tatinica
20290 Uble
51562 Unije
23284 Veli Iž
23287 Veli Rat
20226 Velika Loza
23287 Verunić
23281 Zaglav
20290 Zaklopatica
23292 Zapuntel
22232 Zlarin
23291 Zverinac
23286 Zverinac
22236 Žirje
23282 Žman
20290 Skrivena Luka
20226 Babine Kuće
20225 Babino Polje
20225 Blato
23286 Božava
23285 Brbinj
23292 Brgulje
21430 Donje Selo
23286 Dragove
21225 Drvenik Mali
21225 Drvenik Veliki
20290 Glavat
21432 Gornje Selo
0225 Sobra
23287 Soline
20226 Soline
21430 Srednje Selo
21432 Stomorska
20223 Suđurađ
51561 Susak
20290 Sušac
20223 Šipanjska Luka
20226 Tatinica
20290 Uble
51562 Unije
23284 Veli Iž
23287 Veli Rat
20226 Velika Loza
23287 Verunić
23281 Zaglav
20290 Zaklopatica
23292 Zapuntel
22232 Zlarin
23291 Zverinac
23286 Zverinac
22236 Žirje
23282 Žman
20290 Skrivena Luka
20226 Babine Kuće
20225 Babino Polje
20225 Blato
23286 Božava
23285 Brbinj
23292 Brgulje
21430 Donje Selo
23286 Dragove
21225 Drvenik Mali
21225 Drvenik Veliki
20290 Glavat
21432 Gornje Selo
20226 Goveđari
21430 Grohote
51552 Ilovik
23293 Ist
22235 Kaprije
20221 Koločep
20224 Korita
20225 Kozarica
20290 Lastovo
20222 Lopud
23282 Luka
23284 Mali Iž
20224 Maranovići
21430 Maslinica
23292 Molat
21432 Nečujam
20226 Njivice
20224 Okuklje
23296 Olibe
20290 Pasadur
20226 Polače
23287 Polje
20226 Pomena
20226 Pristanište
20224 Prožura
20224 Prožurska Luka
22233 Prvić Luka
22234 Prvić Šepurine
23283 Rava
23291 Rivanj
21430 Rogač
20225 Ropa
23281 Sali
20224 Saplunara
23285 Savar
23291 Sestrunj
23295 Silba
20226 Goveđari
21430 Grohote
51552 Ilovik
23293 Ist
22235 Kaprije
20221 Koločep
20224 Korita
20225 Kozarica
20290 Lastovo
20222 Lopud
23282 Luka
23284 Mali Iž
20224 Maranovići
21430 Maslinica
23292 Molat
21432 Nečujam
20226 Njivice
20224 Okuklje
23296 Olibe
20290 Pasadur
20226 Polače
23287 Polje
20226 Pomena
20226 Pristanište
20224 Prožura
20224 Prožurska Luka
22233 Prvić Luka
22234 Prvić Šepurine
23283 Rava
23291 Rivanj
21430 Rogač
20225 Ropa
23281 Sali
20224 Saplunara
23285 Savar
23291 Sestrunj
23295 Silba
1. Payment upon delivery
2. One-time online payment with following cards: Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, Diners
Refund Policy
When receiving the package, the buyer is obliged to inspect the items and if they notice any damage, they can refuse to accept the package and return the items to the sender.
In this case, the sender returns the money paid to the account from which the payment was made or replaces the goods with the correct ones.
All payments will be effected in Croatian currency. The amount your credit card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Croatian kuna according to the current exchange rate of the Croatian National bank.
When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our web site.
When paying on our web shop, you are useing CorvusPay – an advanced system for securely accepting payment cards online.
The CorvusPay system ensures complete privacy of your card and personal data from the moment you enter them in the CorvusPay payment form. Payment data transfer is encrypted from your web browser to the bank that issued your card. Our store never comes into contact with complete information about your credit card. Also, the data is inaccessible even to the CorvusPay system employees. An isolated core independently transfers and manages sensitive data, keeping it completely secure.
The form for entering payment data is secured with an SSL transport code of the highest reliability. All stored data is additionally protected by encryption, using a cryptographic device certified according to the FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standard. CorvusPay meets all requirements related to the security of online payments prescribed by the leading payment card companies, that is, it operates in accordance with the norm – PCI DSS Level 1 – the highest security standard of the payment card industry. When paying with cards included in the 3-D Secure program, in addition to the validity of the card itself, your bank also confirms your identity using a token or password.
Corvus Pay considers all information collected confidential and treats them accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which it is intended. Your sensitive data is completely safe, and its privacy is guaranteed by the most modern protection mechanisms. Only data necessary for the performance of work are collected in accordance with the prescribed procedures for online payment.
The security controls and operational procedures applied to our infrastructure ensure the current reliability of the CorvusPay system. In addition, by maintaining strict access control, regular security monitoring and in-depth checks to prevent network vulnerabilities, and planned implementation of provisions on information security, they permanently maintain and improve the level of system security by protecting your card data.
Thank you for using CorvusPay!
Besplatna dostava za Hrvatsku!